
  39 yr old male cab driver by occupation resident of west bengal came to opd with chief complaint of  1.Abdominal distension since 2 months 2.Bilateral pedal edema since 2 months 3.decreased appetite since 2 months 4.decreased urine output since 1 month HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back then he developed abdominal distension which is insidious in onset gradually progressive associated with decreased appetite since then.In the same month he observed bilateral pedal edema upto knees which is of pitting type which increased on walking relieved with rest.after 1 month he observed decrease in urine output which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive  No h/o fever, cough, breathlessness Past history: Not a k/c/o DM,Asthma,TB, Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders ,HTN,CKD,CVA,CAD Personal history: Diet :Mixed Appetite : normal Sleep: adequate  Bowel and bladder movements: regular Occassional Alcoholic (180ml weekly once) - stopped 1 yr back Smokes Bee...

Hepatic abcess

This is an online E Logbook recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. A 32 yr old male came with the complaints of fever since 1 week  HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back and then developed fever which was sudden in onset gradually progressive high grade associated with chills and generalised weakness for which he went to local RMP and took medication for 2 days still the symptoms didnot subside and further investigation like blood test done and his blood sugars were 300mg/dl  As the symptoms didnot subside they went to Miryalguda hospital there USG was done and impression showed HEPATIC ABSCESS  and refered to our hospital  Patient came to hospital yesterday and USG was done impression showing:  NO H/o vomitings  No h/o cough cold diarrhoea  Past history:  K/c/o DM type 2 since 2 months and was on metformin hydrochloride N/kc/o...

70 yr old male

 Date of admission-12/09/23 Case scenario  A 70 yr old male resident of yadadri came to opd with  Chief complaints of -c/o burning micturition 15 days -c/o fever since 10 days -c/o blood in urine since a week -c/o urinary incontinence 1 week History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago then he had burning micturition which is insidious in onset following he had fever which is associated with chills and rigor since 10 days which is relieved on medication  Pt complaints of blood in urine and urinary incontinence since 1 week Past history: *Details of patient's past history*  Pt was apparently symptomatic till 2014 then he developed blood in urine and urinary incontinence for which he visited hospital on 1st Feb 2014 following visit   *Ultrsonograpy of abdomen and pelvis done*  IMPRESSION; •diffuse urinary bladder wall thickening Significant right parailiac nodes  *CYSTOSCOPY EXM:* bladder growth specimen is collect...

55 yr old male

 Date of admission :  A 55 year old male resident of Nalgonda presented to the causality with lower back ache and radiating pain to the left leg  since 3 weeks  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic until 3 weeks ago after which he developed lower back ache which is sudden in onset, non progressive, aggravates on movement, relives on rest.  History of trauma (slip and fall from stairs) 3 weeks ago  The patient was taken to the local hospital where he was found to have L5 burst fracture on CT pelvis.  No history of lifting heavy weights, fever, burning micturition,  PAST HISTORY :  k/c/o DM T2 since last 30 years  K/c/o CAD since 2 years  N/k/c/o of HTN, epilepsy, TB, asthma.  History of  PCTA 2 years ago   TREATMENT HISTORY:  Tab. Metformin 500mg  Tab . Roglibose 0.2mg  Tab. glimidipine 2mg  PERSONAL HISTORY :  sleep : adequate  Bowel and bladder : regular...
Case scenario :- A 72 yr old male farmer by occupation resident of choutuppal came to the opd with chief complaints of □ tingling sensation over the right upper and lower limb since 30 days □ abdominal distension since 30 days  □ shortness of breath since 10 days □bilateral pedal edema since 10 days History of present of illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month ago then he had developed abdominal distension which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive associated with Decreased appetite Then he visited local hospital where he treated for indigestion with sodium and calcium bicarbonate syrup following then  the patient developed bilateral pedal which is insidious and gradually progressive in nature 10 days ago He also complains of shortness of breath(grade  II) since 10 days which is insidious in onset no aggregated on even doing daily activities.  

35 yr old female

 35 years old female , daily wage worker  by occupation came presented with chief complaints of painful skin lesions on B/L upper and lower limbs since 2 months, fever and burning micturition since 4days.  Date of admission: 12/09/23 CHIEF COMPLAINTS  ➤ Painful  skin lesions over both hands and legs since 2 months .  ➤Fever since 4 days ➤Burning micturition since 4 days HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back. Then she developed complaints of painful skin lesions over the arms and the legs , which was sudden in onset , progressive , no aggravating and relieving factors . Vesicles later ruptured with purulent discharge Not associated with itching , fever and redness. Fever since 4 days coming on alternate day not associated with chills and rigor, diurnal variation, relieves with medication.  Burning micturition since 4 days. Not associated with increased frequency /urgency /hesitancy/decreased urine .  H/o de...