70 yr old male

 Date of admission-12/09/23

Case scenario 

A 70 yr old male resident of yadadri came to opd with 

Chief complaints of

-c/o burning micturition 15 days
-c/o fever since 10 days
-c/o blood in urine since a week
-c/o urinary incontinence 1 week

History of present illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago then he had burning micturition which is insidious in onset following he had fever which is associated with chills and rigor since 10 days which is relieved on medication 
Pt complaints of blood in urine and urinary incontinence since 1 week

Past history:

*Details of patient's past history* 
Pt was apparently symptomatic till 2014 then he developed blood in urine and urinary incontinence for which he visited hospital on
1st Feb 2014 following visit 
 *Ultrsonograpy of abdomen and pelvis done* 
•diffuse urinary bladder wall thickening
Significant right parailiac nodes
 *CYSTOSCOPY EXM:* bladder growth specimen is collected
Urothelial(transitional) cell carcinoma-bladder
Pt received radiotherapy a total dose of 6400cGy in 32 fractions from 11.02.2014 to 27.03.2014 pt received weekly chemotherapy with inj.cisplatin 57mg for 3 weeks


Treatment History:-
Pt underwent surgery for ca urinary bladder in 2014

Personal history

Mixed diet
Decreased appetite 
Bowel - regular
Bladder abnormal-burning micturition and urinary incontinence 

Family history 

No significant Family history 

Clinical images 

Urinary sample on 12/09/23


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