Case scenario :-

A 72 yr old male farmer by occupation resident of choutuppal came to the opd with chief complaints of

□ tingling sensation over the right upper and lower limb since 30 days

abdominal distension since 30 days 

□ shortness of breath since 10 days

□bilateral pedal edema since 10 days

History of present of illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month ago then he had developed abdominal distension which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive associated with Decreased appetite
Then he visited local hospital where he treated for indigestion with sodium and calcium bicarbonate syrup following then 
the patient developed bilateral pedal which is insidious and gradually progressive in nature 10 days ago
He also complains of shortness of breath(grade  II) since 10 days which is insidious in onset no aggregated on even doing daily activities.



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