
Showing posts from July, 2021

05 A vignesh

GENERAL MEDICINE  ASSIGNMENT MONTHLY ONLINE ASSIGNMENT   Question 1: - REVIEW:- 1)Given the detailed reviews to the cases. Even the thought the review is short but given pinpoint and detailed data 2)Peer have not did the case 3)Peer taken case was about ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY SECONDARY TO UROSEPSIS has clear explanation about the history of present illness  -chief complaints of the patient is explained pinpointed 4)Peer given a satisfactory explanation about the case investigations and treatment given to the patient 5)Peer was given the positive view on the relfection on telemedical learning  QUESTION 2 :- QUESTION 3: - Case 1:- ▪︎The case is about AKI ▪︎The investigation and treatment of the patient is well explained and given detail information a...

5 A vignesh

GENERAL MEDICINE CASE PRESENTATION ● INTRODUCTION   A 45 yr old male is chronic alcoholic since 20 yrs carpenter by occupation was brought to causality in a state of altered sensorium since 1 day. •CHIEF COMPLAINTS   •Difficulty in walking&decreased appetite since 15 days •Constipation since 5 days •Fever and pedal edema since 3 days •Vomiting since 2 days • HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS •Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months  Back until he had b/l pedal edema.he has diagnosed with hypothyroidism  •Patient had difficulty in walking and decreased appetite since then. •H/o constipation since 5 days. •Fever - low grade , intermittent , releived with treatment since 3 days. •B/l pedal edema - pitting , extending upto knees since 3 days. •Vomiting - non bilious , non projectile , associated with food particles since 2 days. •Altered sensorium since 1 day. •Not a k/c/o DM/HTN/Asthma/Epilepsy/CAD/TB • HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS   •1.5 month back he had history of ...

5 A vignesh

  B I M O N T H L Y    B L E N D E D  A S S E S S M E N T  [JUNE 2021] Name: A vignesh, MBBS [3rd Semester] ROLL NO: 05 Question 1: Competency tested for peer to peer review and assessment: I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze,reflect, clinical data including history, clinical findings,investigations and diagnosis.  ANSWER 01 Case 1 Review 1 PULMONOLOGY   the given case shows chief complaints of shortness of breath, pedal edema and facial puffiness. The case is very well presented and easily understandable GASTROENTEROLOGY  Case 2 Review      A 29 year old patient presented to hospital with deve...